I know that we all have desires in life that we wish we had and wish that we could have instantly. Unfortunately the hard truth is unless we make space for things in our life they will not happen. This has been a huge theme in my life this past year because I started to see that I had more lack in my life than I was gaining. From the outside in it could portray something else but I knew what I felt in my heart and I had some serious changes that I needed to make. I am going to be very vulnerable right now and share some of the desires that I was looking for during that time. I was looking for romantic love, I was looking for acceptance, I was trying to please everyone because I wanted to fit in and I wanted to prove to myself and everyone else I was good enough. Hard Truth I wasn’t giving myself any space for anything I actually deeply wanted to create in my life. I was afraid. Afraid of rejection, afraid of being let down, afraid of being hurt, and afraid of failing. I grieved all of these feelings and I got through it. Being able to walk away from something that isn’t working anymore is OKAY. Changing your mind is OKAY. How are we supposed to grow and evolve if we live on the thoughts, words, and actions that we believed as kids, and then as teenagers, and then adults. We have to challenge these beliefs every once in a while and ask if this is still aligned or is this all we knew?
Does This Get Me Closer Or Further Away From The Life I Want?
Pause For A Moment And Think About Your Life.
Does this embody the person you want to be in the future?
Is this aligned with where you are headed in the future?
Are the choices you are making creating lack or gain?
Are you living this life out of fear or love?
What 1 thing could you change today to get you alittle closer to a future you desire?
How To Create Space For Things You Want In The Future?
Write down what is serving you and what isn’t.
Be mindful in who you are allowing time and space in your life.
Say no to things that don’t make you happy.
Set boundaries
Journal & meditate on what you want to manifest and attract into your life
Fun fact: I really want to attract a doggy into my life so I am creating steps in my life to have a more stable and remote job that way I have time and space for a dog
Over The Past Year I Learned...
That it takes longer than I thought to start shifting over my mindset to something new and unusual. Just because I make up my mind and want to change careers it doesn’t happen instantly. Patience and some god damn grace is what it takes. Living a slow pace life is something that I really want to learn to maintain but with a lot of these old patterns it is going to take some time. I can’t just all of a sudden stop everything and change because it has to be a gradual shift and a lot of planning to create that new way of living. I’m going to have to try out many different jobs to see what I like and don’t like. I am going to have to learn a new routine that works for me and be okay with not being in the best physical shape right now. Being okay with the ebbs and flow. Learning that a romantic relationship isn’t what I thought it would be at all and learning how to be a partner that my own relationship needs rather than what my limited belief system thought it would be. Please feel free to share anything that resonates! I’d love to hear from you